Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bamboozled by Love

Good morning!! The sun is out and it is a beautiful morning.  Today I am sharing a layout I created by using a Treasure Box Designs pattern... Bamboozled by Love. Here is the link

I just love these Panda Bears :)  Thanks for looking I hope you have a wonderful day!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Winners of the Bunny Hop Blog Hop!!!

Thank you to everyone who hopped by and left a comment on my blog!! I loved reading all of them.

The winner of the Hoo Loves Easter? piecing is: Lori Easterday!

The winner of the Mouse in the Easter basket is: Cheribug!

Ladies please email me your address @  I will get your piecings in the mail.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Treasure Box Design's 'Bunny Hop Blog Hop'

Welcome to the Treasure Box Design's 'Bunny Hop Blog Hop'. All of the projects showcased in this hop have to do with an Easter or Spring theme. We hope you enjoy viewing our Design Team projects! This one day event has 18 blogs along the way, so be sure and visit every one of them to qualify for some fantastic prizes.

We have a Grand Prize Giveaway of a $100.00 JoAnns Gift Card, as well as $20.00 Treasure Box Design's In store Credit, Assorted Bling, Charms & Gems from Miriam's Craft Supplies, Assorted Alterable boxes from My Quilling Nest, Knockout Punches and Paper Pack from DT Member Leanne and Ten bottles of 'Stickles from Scrapadoodles Scrapbooking & Supply.

The design team members will also have fun prizes on their personal blogs too.

*Winners will be announced on Monday evening 7:00 pm EST*

In order to qualify for the prizes you will need to follow these guidelines:
  1. You will need to visit each link on the list, become a follower where applicable and leave a comment.
  2. You will need to 'like' the Treasure Box Design Facebook Fan page and leave a comment there that you are from the hop.
  3. You need to have a Friend also 'like' the Treasure Box Design Facebook Fan page.

We will be checking to make sure that all play fair and will be using to choose the number for each of the prizes. The Grand Prizes will be announced on the TBD Facebook page on Monday 3/25/13 @ 7:00 pm EST and all other team member prizes will be announced on each members blog.

If you are hopping over from

Karel's blog
you are in the right place, if you just happened to come across this hop, you don't want to miss any of the amazing projects on the way, so make sure to start from the beginning

We'd like to thank our wonderful sponsors for their contributions: Be sure and leave a comment on their blog and pages.

  • Treasure Box Designs:
  • Miriam's Craft Supplies:
  • My Quilling Nest:
  • Design Team Member Leanne


  • Barbara:
  • Sherri:
  • Jessica:
  • Alene:
  • Karel:
  • Melissa  You are here!
  • Lezlye
  • Vivian
  • Carla
  • Lara
  • Debbie
  • Nancie
  • Lynne
  • Treasure Box Designs Facebook Fan Page

I have a two pieces of blog candy that I would like to give away, the first one is 'Hoo Loves Easter?', and the second one is the mouse in the easter basket.  All you need to do is leave a comment on my blog.  I will use to pick the winners!!  I will announce the winners here on my blog as well as on Treasure Box Designs facebook page, so please make sure you check back.

Now on to the projects that I made for todays hop. I had so much fun making these piecings and can't wait to put them on a layout. 

I used 3 different files to make this first piecing....boy with bear, girl with blanket and the bunny and bear file.

These piecings were made using Treasure Tot - Bunnies. OMG aren't they just the cutest?  I LOVE this file!!

Well, I hope you enjoy looking around my blog and don't forget to hop over to Lezlye's blog next. Make sure to leave a comment on my blog so you will be qualified for all the prizes. 


Monday, March 18, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

You Rock my World!

Here is my latest layout, I used Treasure Tot - Rockin Randy by Treasure Box Designs.